Wednesday, August 26, 2009 the East Side

So yesterday, the husband and I made a trip to the Upper East Side. As we were heading up the West Side Highway( pictured) I made sure he was certain that what we were going to get was there. I told him that I did not want to take the car out, drive from the lower west to the upper east of Manhattan unless he was certain it was there. And by it, I meant that it needed to be in perfect condition and all my requirements had to be met. He assured me everything was according to my specifications.

As we crossed from the west side to the east side via Central Park I realized that it was the first time Belle, our car, had been driven through the park. I had to take a picture.

As we were approaching 5th Ave, where the east side of Central Park begins (also known as Central Park East) I began getting nervous. After all, Ric has said and done so many thing over the past year, we might arrive at where we were going and I might realize it was all a figment of his imagination.

As we were driving down 2nd Ave (I believe) there was a very attractive man talking at the corner. I figured he was worth the picture since I wont see my soho boys for a couple of weeks.
And when we arrived, there she was, just as Ric said she would be. At the 92nd Street ASPCA, which by all standards has got to be the nicest, cleanest, most efficient ASPCA in all the land, our little girl was ready to go.

In keeping with our tradition of naming our dogs after the area from which they come, we named our 1 year old Cairn Terrier, Weezie, after Louise Jefferson on The Jefferson's.
Weezie on her first car ride home, curious she! At one point she rolled down the window. Thank God for child safety window locks on the car

Weezie was perfect but she stunk so the first thing we did (I did) when we arrived at the loft was give her a good scrubbing. She was having none of it.
It was like that part of the rodeo where they send all the kids out to chase the pigs and the pigs slip through the kids' hands. She HATED it!

After Weezie dried off and I took a bath I familiarized her with her new home.
Ric posing with Weezie

Me posing with Weezie just after I woke up from a nap (Pardon the hair. Mine, not hers)

Weezie with her new favorite toy on her new favorite bed, which happens to be ours. She slept with us last night. It was nice. It was just as it should be. We waited, Ric, my amazing healing husband picked her out, he did all the ground work in securing her adoption and prayers were answered.

Weezie loves people, other animals including cats, and is fully up to date on all her shots.

And I would just like to write a word or two about the 92nd Street ASPCA. I highly recommend anyone getting a dog who happens to live in the tri-state area to adopt from them. Not only do they know their stuff, while you are there you speak to a behavior specialist about your dog, you go speak to the vet about your dog, you get a bag full of goodies for your dog, you are given a certificate for a free follow up visit with the Animal Hospital on the premises. You are given everything you need to ensure that your new dog's transition into your home is as pleasant as possible. We love this place.


Lady Trish said...

Oh how cute. Cute little dog.

Oh btw, Hi.

I've been following your blog for a while now.

It's kind of interesting to read your story about your hubby and your fight against H.I.V/AIDS.

Take care and have a nice day.

Keep on writing. :)

Anonymous said...

congratulations to all 3 of you!! she's adorable!!

alan said...

Knowing all the love in your heart I think Weezie landed in the perfect home!



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