Friday, September 19, 2008

They will be caught and persecuted

Did our dear president, George W. Bush, just say that those acting illegally during the economic crisis would be "caught and persecuted"? Did I hear that right? He's the decider. He decides whether to prosecute or persecute. That's his strategery. I'm just thankful for the internets to help me decipher what he said.

Whew, well at least they will be persecuted! So after they are caught I guess we get to make fun of them and call them names. That'll teach 'em

Maybe when we catch bin Laden, you know, dead or alive, we can all persecute him too!

Perhaps this is Bush foreshadowing how we will treat those caught. He is afraid that we will persecute his buddies on Wall Street and that makes him sad )-:

The quote was in reference to short selling, I believe, and he said "Anyone caught in illegal transactions will be caught and persecuted


Anonymous said...

Nope, I heard it too and thought I might be wrong. He is still working on that English thang.

Anonymous said...

That's what he said! What an stunningly hysterical statement, right?

Maybe Sarah Palin can loan us a couple polar bears to maul and eat the perps! Sorta like Christians-to-the-lions for the new millennium!

Too effin' excellent... Me, I'm gonna miss taxpayer-funded live comedy from the Commando in Chief.

Anonymous said...

They left the [sic] in the transcript :-)

Anonymous said...

No need to adjust your hearing-aid, he actually said it:


Anonymous said...

Mr. President, now that wealthy CEO's and stock brokers have robbed homeless (forclosed)taxpayers of billions, and remain in their mansions, can we at least "persecute" them on Wall "Screet"? Can we huh please can we? roflmao

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Bush,

1: to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict ; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief
2: to annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (as attacks, pleas, or importunities) : pester

I THINK you meant "prosecute". Weren't you reading from a written speech? Holy cow!

Anonymous said...

First the drunken olympic pics:

Now, the "persecute" blooper.

He probably really meant persecuted because that is all that his rich thieving friends are going to get. "Persecuted" not prosecuted. The joke is on us.

Anonymous said...

“Welcome to the new US Economy, where profits are privatized, losses are socialized, and anyone not following these rules will be PERSECUTED!"

I am moving to another planet. See you there!

Anonymous said...

“Welcome to the new US Economy, where profits are privatized, losses are socialized, and anyone not following these rules will be PERSECUTED!"

I am moving to another planet. See you there!

Luv, ROO

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