Friday, September 12, 2008

In what respect, Charlie?

UPDATE: My take on Sarah Palin's new strategy with the press here

Ok, I have changed my mind over Barack Obama getting mad. Instead, he should just loop this exchange over and over again in every ad across the country.

"In what respect, Charlie?"

I wish Charlie had responded with "In the respect that DO YOU EVEN HAVE THE SLIGHTEST IDEA WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT?"

But hey, she's pro-life and that's all that counts, right?

UPDATE: My take on Sarah Palin's new strategy with the press here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed how Andrew Sullivan has taunted us a couple of times today about Sarah Palin? In his post "The Lies of Sarah Palin, Cont'd" he writes at the end "What else is she lying about". Then in "The Palin Nomination and the GOP" he writes "I really don't think what is happening now and will happen soon can be better described than this." Then in "Blinking and Palin" he writes "But what else has she lied about, I wonder?"

I wonder.

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