Team Friends In Deed on the walk (Team Friends In Deed was the 3rd overall top fundraising team in all of AIDS Walk New York for 2010

The Friends in Deed Banner. There's Osvaldo and um, Mark, Mark, he's Mark (FID Board Member Anthony Rapp)

Manhattan Samba entertaining the walkers

Team Friends In Deed Walking the Walk

Who's that in the hat? Why it's none other than Jon-Marc McDonald!

Whose hand is that? Why it's none other than Jon-Marc McDonald's hand!

Team Friends In Deed from the back

Opening ceremonies at AIDS Walk New York 2010

Team Friends In Deed waiting to get a move on
(aren't my captions just the cleverest things you ever did see)

That's my cowboy, Ric, having some coffee prior to the walk. He walked an incredible 5 miles at the AIDS Walk New York. Last year at this time he could not walk at all. A miracle, he is!

The Friends In Deed table prior to the big crowds